Thursday, July 9, 2009

All Over the Map

The next few weeks are "full".

  • Our WILDlife Family Camp kick-starts Friday up at The Oaks in Lake Hughes, CA

  • Upon returning home Sunday afternoon, Tim and I take off for San Diego so I can attend my first ever User Conference with ESRI the 12th through the 15th. My presentation slides are here

  • Got to go to Disneyland for my birthday next week to get my gift card

  • Campbell has a swim meet in Hemet the following weekend

  • SGCF has another event planned for 4th-6th graders on the will be "cosmic"

  • Prep work for a new course (to me) at CSUSB should begin later this month: Econ 335 "Tools of Economic Analysis". I'll be teaching one of my favs as well "Economics of Sport"

  • Anticipating some new contacts after my GIS presentation which will hopefully lead to some more productive research in this area and a finalized paper submission before school begins

That's just a snapshot. I know your summer is full of jam-packed-action, too. It's a good thing we're all on vacation???

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