Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Nose Knows

Wylie's olfactory sense never ceases to amaze me!

The kid can smell a french fry (or other offensive odors) from a mile away or within a nanosecond of it hitting his nose.

Case-in-point: today, I snagged Ken from school and we picked up french fries and sodas for an after school snank en route to pick up the boys.

I said to Ken: "how long do you think it will take? less than 5 seconds before he says 'what's that smell' or something like it?"

Ken said she thought less than 5 seconds.

We hide the evidence.

He opens the door.

In less time than Phelps won the 100 fly, Wylie says:

"Why does it smell like french fries in here?"

It's like lightening.

His nose knows.

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